A realization


Love isn’t safe anywhere.

You see I put my whole heart there because I thought if I can put my heart anywhere it’s in friendship. Friendship. No one will cut me or break me there, we chose each other freely no physical no needing just laughter and teasing, those are the purest most unassuming forms of love. Until I found out my friendship love is just as vulnerable as lovers receding, and so I died a little inside. It’s like they see the depth of you and say “no thank you” I’m sure life will be fine without you, and I want to close that part of me off so I can never feel the hurt and pain that is…friendship? But then what qualifies love? The ultimate friendship love is freely given with no reservations or requirements, the purest most selfless love I want to see reflected in me and so I die to myself and choose to guard my heart, rebuking the urge to grow bitter because I know the freedom to be me doesn’t lie in secreting but vowing to love all purely guarding the deepness that is me until time and life and truth shows they can handle the full me,

it’s not for everybody.